Core Java

1. What is Programming Language?

2. Types of programming languages

3. Java Introduction

4. History of Java

5. Principles of Java

6. Java Installation

7. Java Program Execution Flow

8. JDK vs JRE JVM Architecture

9. Identifiers & Keywords

10. Data Types

11. Variables

12. Methods

13. Arrays

14. Strings Handling

15. Object Oriented Principles

16. Constructors

17. Interfaces

18. Programs related to OOPs

19. Final classes

20. Abstract Class

21. Exception handling

22. Multi-Threading

23. Concurrency Package

24. Executor Framework

25. Synchronization

26. Lock mechanism

27. Serialization

28. Wrapper classes

29. Auto Boxing, Un-Boxing

30. Java Memory Management

31. Class Loader Implementation

32. Variable Arguments

33. File IO Operations

34. Introduction to Collection Framework

35. List

36. Set

37. Map

38. Properties

39. Internal implementation of collection framework (List, Map, Set etc)

40. Java 8 Features Introduction

41. Lambda Expressions

42. Functional Interfaces

43. Default & Static Methods

44. Method References

45. Date and Time API change

46. Stream API

47. Optional class

48. SplIterator

Advanced Java

57. Introduction to Advanced Java

58. Introduction to Database

59. Types of databases

60. Database Environment Setup

61. DB Table Creation

62. Table Altering

63. CRUD Operations

64. Primary Keys

65. Foreign Keys

66. JDBC Introduction

67. JDBC API Details

68. JDBC Architecture

69. JDBC Driver

70. Driver Manager

71. Connection

72. Statement

73. Prepared Statement

74. Callable Statement

75. Result Set

76. What is Dao Layer?

77. Steps to create JDBC Application

78. JDBC Applications Development

79. CRUD Operations

80. Connection Pooling

81. Most common exceptions in JDBC apps

82. Servlets

83. What is web application?

84. Web application architecture

85. Client & Server

86. Http Protocol

87. What is Servlet?

88. Servlet API

89. Servlet Life Cycle

90. Steps to create Servlet

91. Deployment Descriptor

92. Servlet interface

93. Generic Servlet class

94. HttpServlet class

95. HttpServletRequest

96. HttpServletResponse

97. ServletConfig

98. ServletContext

99. Init Params

100. Context Params

101. Forms development

102. Cookies

103. Hidden variables

104. Session Tracking in Servlets

105. JSP

106. Introduction to User interface

107. Introduction to JSP

108. Servlets vs. JSP

109. Life Cycle of JSP

110. JSP Implicit Objects

111. JSP Directives

112. JSP Scripting Elements

113. MVC Architecture Introduction

114. Forms Development

115. Mini Projects Development

Web Development (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, java script)

1. Web Development Overview

2. HTML Introduction

3. HTML Document Structure

4. Headings

5. Paragraphs

6. Typography

7. HTML Links

8. Images in HTML

9. Attributes

10. Lists

11. HTML Tables

12. Forms & Inputs

13. Block & Inline elements

14. Divs

15. Spans

16. Classes & Ids

17. Iframes

18. HTML 5 Semantics

19. CSS Introduction

20. Basic CSS Selectors

21. Dev Tools Introduction

22. Fonts

23. Colors

24. Backgrounds

25. Borders

26. Box Model

27. Margin & Padding

28. Display, Alignment & Positioning

29. Pseudo Selectors

30. Responsive Layouts

31. Introduction to FlexBox

32. Building Responsive Website

33. Bootstrap Introduction

34. Typography & Utility Classes

35. Buttons & Button Groups

36. NavBars & Navs

37. List Groups

38. Forms & Inputs

39. Grid System

40. Responsive Utilities

41. Introduction to JavaScript

42. Basics of JavaScript

43. Variables & Data Types

44. Operators

45. Conditional Statements

46. Loops

47. Functions

48. Arrays

49. Objects & Classes

50. DOM Manipulation

51. Events

52. Form Validation

53. Error Handling

54. Local Storage

55. Introduction to AJAX

56. Fetch API

57. Arrays

Spring Boot & Microservices

56. What is Spring Framework

57. What is Spring Boot

58. Spring Boot vs Spring

59. Advantages of Spring Boot

60. Microservices Architecture

61. Introduction to Microservices

62. Microservices Characteristics

63. Microservices vs Monolithic

64. Advantages & Disadvantages of Microservices

65. Spring Cloud

66. Spring Boot Annotations

67. Spring Boot Starters

68. Spring Boot CLI

69. Spring Boot Actuator

70. Spring Boot DevTools

71. Spring Boot Security

72. Spring Boot with Hibernate

73. Spring Boot with JPA

74. Spring Boot with MongoDB

75. Spring Boot with MySQL

76. Spring Boot with RESTful Web Services

77. Spring Boot Testing

78. Spring Boot with JWT Authentication

79. Spring Boot Deployment

80. Introduction to Docker

81. Docker Installation

82. Docker Commands

83. Docker Images & Containers

84. Docker Compose

85. Introduction to Kubernetes

86. Kubernetes Architecture

87. Kubernetes Components

88. Kubernetes Installation

89. Kubernetes Pods, ReplicaSets & Deployments

90. Kubernetes Services & Ingress

91. Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Secrets

92. Introduction to CI/CD

93. Jenkins Introduction & Installation

94. Jenkins Jobs & Pipelines

95. GitHub Integration with Jenkins

96. Continuous Deployment with Jenkins & Docker

97. Introduction to AWS

98. AWS EC2 & S3

99. AWS RDS & DynamoDB

100. AWS ECS & EKS

101. AWS Lambda

102. AWS API Gateway

103. AWS IAM & Security

104. AWS CloudFormation & CDK

105. Project on Microservices & Spring Boot

106. Sample project on AWS Cloud Native

107. Cloud Native Spring Boot & Microservices Projects

108. Introduction to APIs



111. Introduction to OAuth

112. OAuth 2.0

113. OAuth 2.0 Grant Types

114. JWT Introduction & Working

115. JWT Implementation with Spring Boot

116. Security Considerations for Microservices